Bonding with your baby is important for many reasons. It’s good for their overall health and, in the long run, their self-esteem. Luckily there are many different ways to bond with your baby.
Not only does bonding with your baby help their health and overall mood, it can improve your mood as well.
Having that closeness with your baby is the best feeling, and it will help you both get to know each other better. You can easily understand their needs after a while, and they will better understand you.
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It’s Okay If You Don’t Feel A Connection Right Away
I remember being in complete awe that I am now suddenly a mom. Overnight you become responsible for not only your life, but the life of this little tiny human!
For a little while, you’re trying to figure out what all the cries and little noises they make mean. It can be extremely overwhelming. And until you get a grasp of what it is they want, it can be hard to have that feeling of connection.
This is one reason why bonding is so important for the both of you. So here are different things you can do to bond with your baby.
5 Ways To Bond With Your Baby
The first few weeks and months it’s all about the snuggles. These are all things that you can do while holding your baby.
1. Skin To Skin
This is the most recommended way to bond with your baby. That’s why at the hospital the doctor places the baby right on your chest immediately after giving birth. They get to know your scent, and it’s very calming for them.
This is a great way to bond with your baby along with soothing them when they are fussy. I used to do this with my daughter when she was past the point of consoling and this would settle her down almost immediately.
Sit with your baby in a chair or even in the bath and just relax with each other.
2. Baby Wearing
My number one favorite way to bond with baby! This is great for the times your baby just wants to be held, but you’re also trying to get stuff done. They are happy nestled right up against you, and you can continue folding that endless pile of laundry (I know, so fun).
As they get a little older and more alert, they’ll really enjoy watching whatever you’re doing. My daughter used to love watching me make dinner. Watch and learn, baby girl, watch and learn.
I liked baby wearing even if I wasn’t trying to do anything. It would give my arms a much needed break once in a while, which is always nice!
3. Play With Them
I know what you’re thinking, “How do I play with a newborn baby?” Well, it honestly doesn’t take much!
Lay them on top of you facing you and make some funny faces and sounds. You’ll sound ridiculous, but after a while they’ll get a kick out of it. Soon they’ll start to make sounds back at you, and then you’ll have your own secret language!
This is also a great way to fit in some tummy time! It will help strengthen their little muscles and keep them entertained. That’s a win if you ask me!
4. Read To Them
It can seem silly to read to a newborn, but really it’s very good for their development. The sound of your voice will be soothing to them. It also helps build their language skills (yes, even at this age!).
Find some high contrast books that will grab their attention. Their eyesight is still developing, so bright books are the easiest for them to get engaged at this point.
5. Establish a Bedtime Routine
Not only is it good to establish a bedtime routine anyways, this is a great time to get some one-on-one bonding time.
Give yourself enough time to pamper your little one before they settle down. It can be giving them a bath, putting on lotion, or singing to them.
For my daughter I did the same thing every night. I put lotion on her, then put on some comfy PJ’s, read her a book, then fed her before she slept. This actually worked out really well because now we have a set routine and she goes to bed with no problems every night.
There’s No Right Way To Bond With Baby
As long as you’re loving and attentive to your baby’s needs, there is no right way to bond with baby. There’s many other ways to bond with your baby than what’s on this list. Any time spent with your baby and engaging with them counts as bonding, really.
And just remember, if you don’t feel a connection with them right away, that is perfectly normal! Push away those feeling of guilt and get to know you’re tiny human!

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